President’s Advisor for issues concerning healthcare Raffaele Calabrò commented on the memorandum demanded by President Caldoro with the Association of Confindustria that gathers medical device industries: “By approving the memorandum of understanding with Assobiomedica we stick to the commitments taken on about the release of payments of past credits”.
Mr Calabrò stated: “The agreement shows the attention and awareness to companies, particularly those of southern areas that are more affected by the crisis effects, and to patients, too, who would experience difficulties in care supply due to delays in payments”.
“We proved to be a Region, as emphasised by Assobiomedica, that is an example concerning this sector for the other territories. A virtuous region”
Mr Calabrò concluded: “The establishment of a taskforce to monitor payments constantly and opportunely has been a key action. This confirms the willingness to end definitely the negative phase experienced by Campania healthcare over the past years”.