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Diabetes, Meeting to Control Disease Starts

Diabetes, Meeting to Control Disease Starts

The two-day “Buon Compenso del Diabete” Campaign has started today at Palazzo Santa Lucia in order to raise awareness about the control and prevention of the disease and its risk factors.

The initiative includes two sessions: a workshop about sustainability, held in the Sala Giunta, and the free screening, that will continue tomorrow at the Centro Direzionale for the employees, based on what already done through the “Buon Compenso del Diabete” Campaign with the citizens in many squares of Naples.

Regional Minister for Scientific Research Guido Trombetti also underwent the medical test. He chaired the workshop, attended also by President of the Regional Committee for Diabetes Dario Giugliano, President of the Scientific Taskforce of IDF Massimo Massi Benedetti, Campania FAND Coordinator Fabiana Anastasio and Director of Sanofi Italy Diabetes Division Mario Merlo.

Regional Minister Trombetti opened the proceedings and said: “The remarkable advances of the scientific research allow us to face diabetes and other diseases nowadays with better results compared with yesterday. The release of scientific information plays a key role. Only with correct information, patients, who are more and more urged to take on decisions, can do it being aware. This is how it is possible to make the progress whose way is paved by research day by day be fruitful”.

Mr Giugliano pointed out: “In our region, 8% of the population, namely 500 thousand people, suffer from this disease, that is even the fourth cause of death in America after heart attack, cancer and road accidents. Campania is ahead in this sector, since it has been the first region in Italy to have a law on Mediterranean Diet, that helps a lot in the disease prevention”.

Mr Massi Benedetti added: “There is a global warning on this issue that makes it necessary to promote a comprehensive prevention also from the cultural point of view, as well as adequate cooperation between the public and the private sectors for new consumption models, for new correct food habits and lifestyle. That should be included in the school curricula in order to be aware of its importance from childhood”.

Mr Anastasio stated: “Voluntary activity is doing and will be doing a lot in the future. The Federation of Diabetes Patients’ Associations has been supporting for 30 years the protection of the rights of the patients and will do the same in the future”.

Mr Merlo emphasised: “Sanofi supports unconditionally this Campaign, that thanks to targeted actions and initiatives, aims at promoting information about the disease in Italy and at contributing to reduce the social and economic impact of this disease, that unfortunately will spread even more over the next years”.