The notice – handled by the Jobs Area of the Executive Board – for stimulating the participation of public and private bodies, universities, research centres, associations and other subjects of the community sector, employer associations, local councils and equality institutions, in the “Regional network against discriminations”, in fulfilment of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Regione Campania and Unar – Racial Antidiscrimination National Office, operating at the Prime Minister’s Office. The notice is the main instrument thanks to which the “Regional Observatory against discrimination” will be able to work, destined to coordinate, in agreement with Unar, the territorial networks of subjects, constituted provincially, who will join the notice to open “a territorial antenna” or “an information point”.
The overall aim of the action is to give birth to a widespread presence of premises destined to guarantee assistance, in low-threshold condition, to potential victims of discrimination, by those who are qualified for the service. The main activities that, under the control and coordination of Regione, will be guaranteed by the networks’ participants, deal with the services related to identification and documentation of the citizenry, renewal of residency permits, family reunion, asylum requests and status recognition, health assistance, and employment, linguistic mediation, conflict and conciliation services.
“The action organised by Regione with Unar – underlines the Regional Minister for Employment Severino Nappi – is an excellent example of concrete interinstitutional cooperation, which we organise in a difficult territory, also in this regards, as is Campania. We want to create a new culture to fight discriminations and to give new real integration opportunities to whom is behind, and to protect all diversities though a widespread network on the territory, protected and guaranteed by the Institutions”.