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Redundancy Fund, Nappi: Payments for 2009 unfrozen

Redundancy Fund, Nappi: Payments for 2009 unfrozen

Three million Euros for about 5.000 workers of Campania on redundancy pay. This is the amount unfrozen by the action for payments overdue since 2009 as a commitment taken by the previous Executive Board, which the Regional Administration for Employment has started this week and will finish by the end of June.

“Overcoming the multitude of difficulties created by the chaotic previous management has not been easy”, declared the Regional Minster of Employment and Training, Severino Nappi. “I would like to thank, besides our offices, also the Ministry of Employment and the European organisations for their synergy and for making it possible to overcome the financial and administrative shortcomings that we had inherited. It took us two and a half years of work – has later added Nappi – to meet a commitment that was taken on casually by others without providing adequate financial and administrative instruments. We made it for offering a concrete sign of trust in the institutions to the thousands of workers concerned, mostly residing in the Region.

An info point for assistance to beneficiaries has been activated: phone 081/7969567, from Monday to Friday from 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Tuesdays also from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m.