On a proposal of the Regional Minister for Employment and Training, Severino Nappi, the institutional round table gathered today at Palazzo Santa Lucia has approved the new Guidelines for the access to social security cushions in derogation of Campania for 2013.
At the round table, together with the confederation secretaries of Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Ugl, the Regional Minister for Employment of the provinces of Campania, Inps, Arlas, Italia Lavoro, the Employment provincial direction of Naples, and the regional representatives of Confindustria, Confapi, Cna, Casartigiani, Claai, Confartigianato, Confcommercio, Confcooperative, Confesercenti, Confagricoltura, Legacoop and Agci.
The main news of the new regional Guidelines deal both with the receivers and the table’s working method itself.
In particular, the receivers can be subordinated employees, interns included, with a length of service of at least 90 days at the requesting company, qualified as: workers; equivalents - intermediates; clerical workers; managers.
The firms that are beneficiaries of the treatments will be divided into two types: those for which social security cushions are already ordinary, and those that are not ordinarily beneficiaries and which, for this reason, could not use or access them.
Also, special distinct procedures are considered for the firms in present-day crisis and for those in structural crisis.
Besides, there will also be active policies for workers on redundancy pay in derogation. To this purpose, by the end of this month, new dispositions and new Guidelines will be issues for the realisation of active policies integrating the ones already activated with the Training Catalogue for the addition of receivers of social security cushions in derogation, and with the measures, such as “Cig Più”, already included in the Action Plan “Campania al Lavoro!”.
The entire system will be managed though computer procedures in order to quicken the administrative procedure and monitor trends and outcomes, and simplifying the control system.
With the approval of the Guidelines, trade union tables will be started for the authorisation of the treatment in favour of the beneficiaries, which, in 2012 in Campania, have been 25,000 overall.
Guidelines attached