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Antiracket Tender, Deadline for Applications Extended

Antiracket Tender, Deadline for Applications Extended

With the Managerial Decree n. 1 of 18/01/2013 (published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania (B.U.R.C.) n. 4 of 21/01/2013) the deadline for the submission of applications has been extended to 25 February 2013.

The tender is destined to Municipalities, Unions of Municipalities, Upland Authorities with an overall population equal to or higher than 20,000 inhabitants. In planning the actions, local authorities will have also to ensure the continuity of the good practices developed in Campania’s territory, involving in the realisation of preventive services, antiracket and antiusury associations and foundations that are regularly accredited by the Prefectures.

The identification of this form of partnership arises from the will of regarding the activities of association formation, which achieved remarkable results in terms of “tutelage services for the victim of usury and racket crimes”.

The regional subsidy allocated to each project is destined to cover the expenses resulting from the economic framework of the project for 70% of the total expenses and in any case for a maximum funding of no more than 40.000,00 Euros.

The Municipalities wishing to apply must co-finance the projects for 30% of their total amount, through both financial resources and making available goods, services, or personnel.

“We invest – underlines the antiracket and antiusury commissioner of Regione Campania Franco Malvano – about one million Euros for preventing and fight these phenomena. The tender confirms the special attention paid by Campania, the only region in Italy to have equipped itself with a specific system of Coordination dedicated to these issues, with useful initiatives to fight racket and usury”, Malvano concludes.