On 15 and 16 March in Florence the two-day commemoration in memory of the innocent victims of mafia promoted by Libera. “Seeds of justice, flowers of co-responsibility”, this is the slogan that accompanied the march of the 600 relatives of victims of mafia.
First appointment on 15 March, 6 pm, in a crowded Basilica of S. Croce. The wake lasted for about two hours; it was officiated by the bishop of Fiesole Monsignor Mario Meini and co-celebrated by other priests among whom Don Luigi Ciotti, president of the association Libera.
In addition to the relatives, in the church there were very many young people who, moved, participated in the reading of the more than 900 names of all the innocent victims. From the altar Don Ciotti let it know that: “They left, they are travelling from all parts of Italy to be present in Florence tomorrow. To say all together that we won’t stop”. And in fact, on the 16th, a lot of people joined the demonstration. A pacific army of 150 thousand people who at nine o’ clock in the morning met at the Fortezza da Basso. Leading the parade there is Don Luigi Ciotti with the victims’ relatives, and then a long queue of people mostly made up of young people, with paper flowers, banners and coloured flags.
Attending the march for legality, as every year, the Campania Coordination of the relatives of the innocent victims of mafia, accompanied by Fondazione Pol.i.s, an operational instrument of Regione Campania for the support to the victims’ families. The big demonstration crossed all the city of Florence, and arranged to meet at Franchi stadium to let the XVIII Memory and Commitment Day begin. The names of the victims were read from the stage. Many the discourses, and a lot of emotion for Don Ciotti’s words: «Mafia is like the plague. We must unite what mafias and powerful people want to dived». «This not a demonstration like many others – said the president of Libera – because the relatives of the victims of mafia are attending; a mafia that is a plague spreading like cancer throughout the country. In order to fight it, to be moved is not enough; we must move, and we must do it 365 days a year». Among the others, also the mayor of Florence Matteo Renzi. Fiorella Mannoia’s voice closed the day.