Go-ahead for the call for innovative and entrepreneurial ideas destined to young European citizens aged between 18 and 35. The competition represents the first step of the project “Ideas on the move”, conceived by the Italian association Giovani senza frontiere (Giosef), promoted by the Second University of Naples and financed by European funds within the European plan “Europe for citizens”, which can count on special partners, such as the Youth Policies Sector of Regione Campania.
The call deals with three specific fields: Business Innovation (divided into ICT; Green Economy; Knowledge Economy); Social Usefulness and Civic Engagement; Tourism (Promotion and environmental, historical and artistic heritage protection). The project involves, together with the leading Italian organisations, other 7 countries: Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Belgium, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary. For each country 10 project ideas will be selected, whose supervisors will have the opportunity to meet potential institutional and private investors. In addition, on the project website it will be possible to vote for the three best ideas among the 80 ones selected, which will receive a prize money of € 3.000,00.
The youth selected will meet to discuss about employment issues during two international events, one in Caserta and one in Brussels. The aim of the project is to inform young citizens about the strategies and objectives provided for by Europe 2012 for the promotion of entrepreneurship and creative and innovative competencies, to stimulate the dialogue with institutions and collect the opinions of the young involved; all this in order to succeed in defining a common proposal for a revision of EU strategies on youth employment to be presented to the European Parliament in March 2013, where they will be received by a delegation of Members of the European Parliament led by the Italian vicarial vice president Gianni Pittella, who will award the three winning project ideas.
The deadlin for submitting project ideas is 30 September 2012.
For info and technical assistance contact:
tel/fax: +39 0823322137
For submissions click here