From today it is possible to participate in the manifestation for the foundation of Educational centres in Regione Campania. The measure, included in the Cohesion Action Plan, allocates a total amount of 50 million Euros. The notice, published today in BURC, aims at the strengthening of high-quality technical and professional education. The Educational Centres’ objective is to create a synergy among schools, educational institutes and firms; to foster educational continuity and fight school abandonment; to promote cross-subject actions; to favour school and school-work education; to realise orientation interventions and educational activities destined also to teachers and educators engaged in the Centres’ activities.
The subjects who can request for participation in the manifestation are the structures that include at least two professional or school institutes, at least two firms registered by the Chamber of Commerce and at least an accredited professional education institute.
“With the launch of the Regional Plan on education and professional training – underline the Regional Minister of Education Caterina Miraglia and of Training Severino Nappi – Campania is in the forefront of our country. We lay the foundations for an integrated network between school and world of work, overcoming the concept of experimental interventions and indiscriminate measures, planning a multi-year, systemic intervention. We are building a future for our youth – the Regional Ministers added – in which educational courses are not for their own sake, but shared with the production system. We aim at the naissance of a high-quality school and good, stable employment”.