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Festa Europa, The final event of the competion at Palazzo Pico

Festa Europa, The final event of the competion at Palazzo Pico

“Tell Europe, Ask Europe”, this is the title of the final event of the Festa dell’Europa, today at Palazzo Pico. The competition, dedicated to high-school students of Campania, has been realised within the communication plan of POR ERDF. Over the two days, 33 schools have participated in the event, with videos, photos, posters and storyboards, representing their perception of the European institutions’ action and use of funds on the territory.

All works submitted are visible in the virtual window ( of the official site of POR Campania ERDF. All the works will be collected in a catalogue that will be distributed in the schools in Campania and presented at the Forum PA 2013 in Rome and at the Open Doors Days in Brussels. The best works will then be printed and used for the communication activities of POR Campania ERDF 2007-2013. Awarding the winners of the various categories of the competition, the regional Minister for Employment and Training of Regione Campania, Severino Nappi: “With today’s initiative we put our future in good hands. Our youth has demonstrated again an extraordinary capacity in proposing projects and in competence, and, most of all, they let us look at the future with hope and trust. A unitary process of change starts from Campania – the Regional Minister added – because it is young people themselves to tell what they want from Europe and, in particular, what they want from their territory. Good luck everybody”.

The winners of the first edition of “Tell Europe, Ask Europe”, according to the evaluation criteria stated in the call, are the following educational institutes:



·         IISS Telesi@ - Telese Terme (BN) with the storyboard “La scuola che vorrei”.


·         LSS G. Mercalli  - NAPOLI, with the video “Sui binari dell’arte”.


·         Liceo Statale “Alessandro Manzoni Caserta” - CASERTA, with the photo“Area Macrico”.


·         IISS F. S. Nitti  - NAPOLI, with the poster “Progetto Palummella”.


The winners of the four categories of the competition were given the possibility to visit the European institutions in Brussels during the Open Doors Day of the past 4 May.

The institutes who realised the best works were awarded photographic and video equipment thanks to which they will be able to continue creating communication projects (list following)



·         L.S. VIRGILIO  Foglianise (BN) with the storyboard “Il bosco bioacustico”.

·         IIS Carlo Levi - Portici (NA) with the storyboard “Villa d’Elboeuf”.


·         L.S. F.Quercia - Marcianise (CE) with the video “Benvenuto futuro. Thanks Europe”.

·         Istituto Superiore A. Tilgher - Ercolano (Na) with the video “GEOvani d’Europa”.


·         IS B. Bruno Munari – Acerra (NA) with the three photos themed “Regi Lagni”.

·         ISTC Giustino Fortunato – NAPOLI  with the three photos on the Auditorium Porta del Parco di Bagnoli.


·         IS B. Bruno Munari – Acerra (NA) with the poster “Il tuo bene… bene della comunità”.

·         LSS G. Mercalli  with the poster “C’era una volta e c’è di nuovo. Teatro Antico di Neapolis”.