Regione Campania calls, within the Communication Plan of POR Campania ERDF 2007-2013, a competition for high-school students of Campania, aimed at the realisation of a storyboard, a video, a photograph and a poster.
Objective: to narrate the initiatives and the interventions realised in Campania thanks to the funds granted by the European Union; to encourage the reflection on innovative issues and aspects on which to invest, in order to create new opportunities for cooperation among Europe, Regione and citizens. Each class or group of classes has time until 20 December 2012 to fill in the online application form. The documentation has to be sent from 15 January 2013 until no later than 28 February 2013.
The winning classes or group of classes for each category will take part in a trip to the European Authorities in Brussels.
To download the call and send your application click here.