The European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – has approved, within the European Programme PROGRESS, the project called “Youth4JOB”, of which the Youth Policies Sector of Regione Campania is a partner.
The project Youth4JOB has been sponsored by a partnership of 10 members of 9 different countries, guaranteeing the inclusion of both Mediterranean Europe and Northern and Eastern Europe.
Through the exchange of good practices, the partners will cooperate on the important issue of youth employment, coherently with the strategy Europe 2020, and in particular with its key initiative “Youth on the Move”.
Youth4JOB will last for about 12 months, and will include a complex combination of activities: international meetings and research activities, case-studies and exchange of good practices, but most importantly it will be an opportunity to start a long-lasting cooperation among the partners, aimed at the creation of synergies, new opportunities and future initiatives related to youth employment.
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