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EU Funds, at the PA Forum : "Let’s Speed up Expenditure as well as Procedures" Caldoro sa

 EU Funds, at the PA Forum : "Let’s Speed up Expenditure as well as Procedures" Caldoro sa

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro joined the conference “Towards Europe 2020- 2014-2020 planning for cohesion policies” held on the opening day of the 2013 edition of PA Forum in Rome. “2000-2006 EU Funds planning faced some problems and the early stage of 2007-2013 planning suffered from them but this last year, as recalled by Commissioner Hahn too, has been wonderful for the speeding up of expenditure obtaining into two years what we did not in the last ten” Caldoro said. Along with the President, Carlo Mochi Sismondi (President – PA FORUM), Carlo Trigilia (Minister for Territorial Cohesion), Jole Santelli (Undersecretary for the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare), Giuseppe Castiglione (Undersecretary for the Ministry of Forestry, Agriculture and Food Policies) and Johannes Hahn (European Commissioner for Regional Policy) spoke about the European Funds at the Auditorium of the Palazzo dei Congressi. A panel session followed the conference and President Caldoro, Nichi Vendola (President of Regione Apulia) and Giuseppe Scopelliti (President of Regione Calabria) joined it too.

EU Funds, at the PA Forum : "Let’s Speed up Expenditure as well as Procedures" Caldoro sa