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Fincantieri, the Patrol Boat "Diciotti" of the Italian Coast Guard Launch

Fincantieri, the Patrol Boat "Diciotti" of the Italian Coast Guard Launch

The second unit commissioned to Fincantieri by the Port Captaincies General Direction for the Italian Coast Guard Corps has been launched in the shipyard of Castellammare di Stabia (Naples). The patrol boat ''Ubaldo Diciotti'' is the sister ship of the ''Luigi Dattilo'' launched last December and to be delivered by the upcoming summer. President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, General Captain of Corps of the Port Captaincies – Coast Guard Felicio Angrisano and CEO of Fincantieri Giuseppe Bono together with its President Vincenzo Petrone took part in the ceremony.

Fincantieri, the Patrol Boat "Diciotti" of the Italian Coast Guard Launch