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Presentation of School POR Funds, Stefano Caldoro Interviewed

Presentation of School POR Funds, Stefano Caldoro Interviewed

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro presented the "Mille scuole" project (Thousand Schools) with Regional Minister Caterina Miraglia and General Director of Campania School Office Diego Bouchè. Mr Caldoro pointed out: "That 500 million € is available already and the implemented programme has a final date, namely 2015”. In details, 325 million Euros have been allocated to strengthen school facilities; 25 for child care centres; 30 for project managing services; 18 comes from the so called “decreto del fare” (action decree); and last, 100 for school building adjustment in accordance with the provisions on school buildings Plan that is about to be completed by the Government led by Letta.

Presentation of School POR Funds, Stefano Caldoro Interviewed