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Sarno Purification, Sewage System Completion for Environmental reclamation strategic action

Sarno Purification, Sewage System Completion for Environmental reclamation strategic action

At the Sala Giunta of Regione Campania in Santa Lucia, a memorandum of understanding has been signed with Arcadis to complete the sewage systems in the Municipalities of Scafati, Boscoreale, Calvanico and Siano. President of the Executive Board of Campania Stefano Caldoro, Regional Minister for Public Works Edoardo Cosenza, Regional Minister for Local Authorities Pasquale Sommese, President of Arcadis Flavio Cioffi and the Mayors of the concerned Municipalities attended the conference. President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro commented on the signature of the memorandum: “We are glad to start the new year with a major strategic action of the Sarno river area, with an environmental reclamation project and, especially, a real project”. He also emphasised the positive effects that the works will have on the territory.

Sarno Purification, Sewage System Completion for Environmental reclamation strategic action