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Art, Here it comes the Summer at Madre

Art, Here it comes the Summer at Madre

New season for the Museo Madre, which presents itself, on the day of the summer solstice, in a revised and adjusted version. The museum of contemporary art Donnaregina of Naples proposes three exhibitions from the first day of summer: “Tutto in uno” is the retrospective dedicated to the German Thomas Bayrle. One of the figures of the German Pop Art, Bayrle highlights the relationship between public and private spheres within social dynamics. The Mexican Mario Garcia Torres presents, on the other hand, “La lezione di Boetti (Alla ricerca del One Hotel, Kabul)”. Giulia Piscitelli, a local artist, puts on display “Intermedium”.

New events then, and a new working method, the organizers assure. It seems that it will be up to the visitors the “creation” of the museum: you enter with a card into a dedicated area, and, thanks to boards, video cameras and downloadable apps, it will be possible to interact with the museum. For a shared common space and an active museum.

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