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Cinema, The Authors’ Festival in Naples

Cinema, The Authors’ Festival in Naples

The form is the festival, the aim is the promotion of the cinema of Naples. From 22 to 27 October.

The Cinema Days celebrate the historical event of 1943, in a recollection of its revolutionary essence. The aim of the event is to foster job opportunities. On the agenda meetings, showings and master classes. Authors’ creativity is the focus of attention.

Present the great authors of Italian cinema, from Heidrun Schleef to Rossella Izzo, not forgetting Antonio Capuano, Giovanni Veronesi, Luca Miniero.

Seven the sections of the festival: feature films, short-films, documentaries, web series, screenplays, animations and video clips. Up for grabs the possibility to realise a full-length film to be shot in Naples when the event will be over.

Many the places involved: Teatro Mercadante, Pan, Modernissimo, as well as the Università Suor Orsola Benincasa and the cinemas Filangieri and Astra.

Programme and more info at