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Call for Experts for fixed term positions

The Santobono Pausilipon Hospital of Naples announced a public call for personnel, based on qualifications and interview, for the following positions:

  • 1 biologist, for one year (in compliance with the article 15 octies of the Legislative Decree no. 502/92 and subsequent modifications and additions), under the project activated at the Regional Centre for New-born Screening of the SS. Annunziata Hospital and financed by Regione Campania, that does not replace the ordinary activity "New-born screening for the early detection of Cystic Fibrosis”;
  • 1 professional fixed term assignment for administrative assistance (in compliance with the article 15 octies of the Legislative Decree no. 502/92 and subsequent modifications and additions), under the project "BaSCO" – Umbilical Cord Blood Bank set up at the Hospital Pausilipon, and approved and financed by Regione Campania.

Please find information about deadlines and eligibility criteria on the website: