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Contribution Granting for Tourism-related Business Networks

Guidelines for tourism development of Regione Campania for 2014 have been approved through Resolution of the Executive Board no. 97/2014, published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania no. 25 of 15 April 2014.

The Guidelines are a paper to be complied with by the MIBACT call eligible stakeholders, in order to assess compatibility and consistency of the draft projects presented by the regional tourism-related planning.

See Resolution no. 97 of 10 April 2014

See Guidelines for tourism development of Regione Campania 2014

28/02/2014 – The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (MIBACT) issued a call to promote and support integration processes among tourism businesses through business networks aiming at backing re-organisation processes of the tourism sector, enhancing specialisation and upgrading of the sector, and fostering investments to increase competition and innovation potential of the national tourism entrepreneurship, especially in foreign markets.

Eligible stakeholders to submit projects are:

  1. Group of small and micro enterprises in the legal form of “network contract” as set forth in the article 3, paragraphs 4 ter and following of the Decree Law no. 5/2009 and subsequent amendments and additions;
  2. Group of small and micro enterprises to acquire the legal form of A.T.I (Temporary Consoritum of Businesses established or still to be established), Consortia and consortium companies as cooperatives.

This outright grant will be given in compliance with the “de minimis” aid regulation. Total financial appropriation is 8,000,000.00 €. The amount to fund for each network project is 200,000.00 €. Network projects with total eligible expenditure lower than 400,000.00 € will not be considered as eligible.

Granting applications shall be submitted by 9 May 2014.