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How to impugn Acts of Local Authorities

Meeting at the Province of Naples

04/04/2014 - The special period the local autonomies are experiencing and the simplification of administrative action to protect citizens urge attention and considerations.

We are glad to invite you to participate in the meeting to present the following publication:

by Vittorio Galatro and Salvatore D'Ettore

to be held on 8 April 2014 at 16,30 at "Cirillo" Room of the Province of Naples headquarters located in Piazza Matteotti, 1

Programme of the meeting

Welcome Speeches delivered by:

  • President of the Province Antonio Pentangelo
  • Deputy Secretary General Renata Monda
  • Member of the Provincial Council Vincenzo Del Prete


  • Antonio Palma, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Federico II University of Naples;
  • Raffaello Capunzo, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Federico II University of Naples;
  • Giuseppe Fortunato, President of the National Association of Ombudsmen and Civicrazia (formerly Member of the Privacy Supervisory Board);
  • Authors’ remarks;
  • Questions and Answers;
  • Final Remarks.