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Imex, Frankfurt 20 - 22 May 2014

ENIT – National Tourism Authority, in cooperation with the National Board for the coordination of actions for conference supply promotion, will coordinate the participation of the Italian Conference Organisations in next IMEX edition, to be held in Frankfurt (Germany) from 20 to 22 May 2014.

The following “exhibitors’ categories” are allowed to participate: Convention Bureau and Product Clubs, Conference and Exhibition areas, Hotel Chains, Conference Hotels and Historic Houses Hotels, PCOs, DMCs, Professionals, and Conference Services and Technologies.

Applications shall be submitted by and not later than 20 March, 2014, to:

ENIT – Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo
Via Marghera, 2 – 00185 Roma
Fax number +39(0)6 4450758 E-mail:

Copy to:
Regione Campania
Direzione Generale per la Programmazione Economica e il Turismo
Centro Direzionale Isola C5 – 80143 Napoli
Phone number +39(0)81.7968768 Fax +39(0)81.7968528 – E-mail:

For more information, pleasecontact the Central Office for Promotion, Trade Support and Product Club – ENIT: Marinella Di Tommaso phone number +39(0)6 4971347; Tullia Esposito phone number +39(0)6 4971219; Cinzia Sfascia phone number +39(0)6 4971497, or the representative for Regione Campania, Giuseppe Cibelli phone number +39(0)81 7968515.

Announcement Imex-Frankfurt