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Master’s Programmes in Management of Medical Firms and Organisations

Registrations are open for the VIII edition of the University Master’s Programme (II level) in Management of Medical Firms and Organisations – DAOSan, promoted by the Department of Business Studies and Research of the University of Salerno, in partnership with the University of Naples Federico II, the University of Sannio and the Regional Health Agency of Regione Campania (ArSan).

The DAOSan shake high profile professionals, suitable for management tasks and functions in private and public medical firms, in pharmaceutical and electromedical firms, national and international medical agencies, as well as for consulting activities.

The course consists of 1500 hours (60 CFU), divided into: 320 hours of frontal instruction, 300 hours of distance learning (FAD), 880 hours of internship, guided independent study and project work.

The internship can be carried out in medical field, at the home organisations, or at one of the other 90 affiliated organisations in Campania and in the national territory: public and private medical firms, consulting societies, pharmaceutical firms, electromedical firms, regional administrations and medical agencies. Furthermore, on explicit request it is possible to do the internships at medical organisations based in a foreign country.

Also, there is the possibility to choose between a full-time programme (1 year) or a part-time programme (2 years).

The deadline for applications is 12 am on 14 January 2013.
The notice of competition can be downloaded at