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Project "Embedded Systems in Critical Domains"

The public competition, by qualifications and interview, for the assignment of one project related fixed-term contract is announced by the Regional Centre Information Communication Technology – CeRICT scrl, which joined the partnership for the realisation of the project "Embedded Systems in Critical Domains", signed by the various promoting subjects represented by Universities, Research Centres and Firms.

The contract concerns coordination, management and connection activities among the operating and network partners for the activities considered by the project Embedded Systems in Critical Domains, at the Regional Centre Information Communication Technology - CeRICT scrl.

5-year degree; work experience of at least 5 years with management and/or administrative duties; good knowledge of written and spoken English; ICT and file management competencies; good knowledge of project management and project and innovation management.

Application procedure
The application form, written on unstamped paper, must be handed in by 12.00 am on 4 February 2013, in one of the following ways:

  • By registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt;
  • Handed in person – from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 – at the Centro Regionale Information Communication Technology - CeRICT scrl, Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo Via Cinthia, Edificio 8b, 80125 Napoli, stating "PROGETTO EMBEDDED" and surname, name and address on the envelope. The stamp of the Post Office will not attest the date;
  • By certified email to the address

For more details:

For further information please contact:
Administrative office CeRICT scrl
Telephone 081 679 951