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Scholarships for Research Activities

Within the project "MAteriali e STRutture Intelligenti (MASTRI)" and "INSIST", FIAT GROUP AUTOMOBILES SpA has announced the following procedures for the assignment of scholarships:

  • open competition for a scholarship for research activities at FIAT GROUP AUTOMOBILES SpA in the following subject and for the following activity: "AXIS IV – Action Line 1 - Activity 1.1 – Study and development of polymeric substances and polymer-matrix composite substances with specific functional and/or structural performances: a. Design of body components though the use of plastic materials";
  • open competition for a scholarship for research activities at FIAT GROUP AUTOMOBILES SpA in the following subject: Technological Innovation in Transport Systems and for the following activities: Action Line 1 - FGA_AEROTHERMAL_1.1_a: Open Source (OpenFOAM) solver during the phase of aerodynamic streamlining of a vehicle.