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Technical and Professional Centres

In the Official Journal of Regione Campania (BURC) the notice for the manifestation of interest for the establishment of Educational Centre has been published.

The measure, included in the Action and Cohesion Plan, allocates 50 million Euros. The objective of the Educational Centres is to create a synergy among schools, educational institutions and firms; to favour ongoing training to fight early school leaving; to promote transversal actions among subjects; to favour school-job education and continuing education; to activate orientation actions and educational activities aimed also to teachers and educators engaged in the Centres’ activities.

The manifestation of interest can be attended by groups including at least two schools and/or professional institutes, at least two firms registered at the Chamber of Commerce and at least one accredited professional education body.

All the documents for application must be sent by email by 11.59 pm of the thirtieth day since the day of publication of the notice in the Official Journal of Regione Campania.