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Technical Unit for Transport

It is hereby communicated that, due to a clerical error, a wrong certified email address has been reported for the Directorate Generale for Transport 07 in the Public Announcement approved through the Management Decree no. 88 of 24.03.2014.

The right certified email address is:


02/04/2014 – The Management Decree no. 88 of 24.03.2014 has been published in the Official Journal no. 20 of 31 March 2014. The decree establishes a call for a short list for the Regional Minister for Transport to select 3 experts to propose to the President of the Regional Executive Board for the appointment of the members of the Technical Unit for Transport, as set forth in the article no. 6 of the Regional Law no. 3 of 28/03/2002.

Deadline to submit applications for the open call: April, 15, 2014.

For more information, the officer in charge with this procedure is:
Antonella Riccio
Phone Number: +39(0)81 7969581 - Email:
