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“Salva Imprese” Decree, Payments of Previous Debts Get Go-Ahead

“Salva Imprese” Decree, Payments of Previous Debts Get Go-Ahead


It is called “Businesses Rescue Decree” (decree law no. 35) and it is part of the general financial recovery plan of Regione Campania. One billion and a half about to arrive to pay previous debts of Regione from 1988 to date. A sum to add to the previous 1,600,000,000 given for the healthcare recovery plan. Funds that will be convoyed to Campania economy by 2014, as stated by President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro during the conference to present and explain the decree no. 35. Salvatore Varriale, Head of the Department of the Budget Sector of Regione Campania attended the meeting, too.

The loan taken on, that ensures the payment of debts, between Regione Campania and Ministry of Economy is supposed to take place on 4 November.

In details, by the end of this financial year, debts of 378,708,015 € owed to Local Authorities and e 208,275,848 € to Businesses will be paid; in 2014, 72,064,135 € will address Local Authorities and 169,882,229 € Businesses.

Following the presentation of the decree no. 35, President Caldoro stated: “This is an incredibly important measure in the history of Regione. We have worked on another important part of that virtuous road to get out of the crisis”.

Presentation of "Salva Imprese" Decree