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CGIL Meeting, Caldoro: “Employment is at the Top of our Agenda”

CGIL Meeting, Caldoro: “Employment is at the Top of our Agenda”

During the Regional Meeting of CGIL Campania, Stefano Caldoro emphasized the importance of job-related issues within the regional government duties: “When speaking of reforms, clearly enough we do mean about job, too”.

The conference called “Job decides the future” has started in the Virtual Archaeological Museum of Herculaneum with the participation of the CGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labour), Regional Division of Campania, General Secretary Franco Tavella, and the National CGIL General Secretary of Susanna Camusso.

Mr Caldoro emphasized: “Development and growth for our businesses mean more jobs. In Campania the situation is still very serious but we did a lot to catch up.”

Mr Tavella highlighted: “In Italy we have a key cultural heritage and using it as a starting point would be enough to create jobs”.

Caldoro at Campania CGIL Meeting