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Conference at CEINGE, Trombetti: “Real Challenge is Transferring Right Knowledge to Citizens”

Conference at CEINGE, Trombetti: “Real Challenge is Transferring Right Knowledge to Citizens”

“Medicine, between care and promotion of health in neurodegenerative disorders. Reforming reflection and public decision framework” is the title of the meeting organized at the auditorium of CEINGE, the advanced biotechnology centre.

Among others, Regional Minister for University and Scientific Research of Regione Campania Guido Trombetti, CEINGE President and Scientific Coordinator Francesco Salvatore attended the conference.

Mr Trombetti emphasised: “There is a commitment taken on between Regione and Minister of Healthcare to sign an agreement for stem cells study. A survey that will be properly and scientifically carried out since these are really delicate issues. Nowadays, the general idea is not only to carry out researches, since of course without it, no development will take place. But dissemination is fundamental, too. Common citizens have the right to know, even if they have no technical knowledge”.

Trombetti's Speech at Ceinge