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Critical areas, Caldoro: "150million Euros for development and employment"

Critical areas, Caldoro: "150million Euros for development and employment"

“It has been a very long work performed together with the business and the trade unions’ world” With such words President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro explained the desicion of the Executive Board to allocate 150 million Euros out of the Action and Cohesion Plan for the 5 regional critical areas. He also recalled that the memorandum Regione is going to sign with the Ministry of Economic Development “urges a nation-wide understanding, as well as a simultaneous and parallel action, that is the release of funds by the Ministry of Economy”. Finally, Caldoro said that together with the current Minister for Territorial Cohesion Carlo Trigilia “we are following the path we started with his predecessor Fabrizio Barca”

Regional Ministers Fulvio Martusciello (Production Activities) and Severino Nappi (Employment) and the trade unions representatives attended the press conference held at the Sala Giunta of Palazzo Santa Lucia. The concerned areas are the municipalities of the province of Avellino and Caserta, those of the area of Airola, Acerra and Castellamare di Stabia, for a total number of 60 municipalities involving a population of approximately 1 million inhabitants.

Mr. Martusciello stated: “It’s a great satisfaction for our regional Ministry. We got to the end of a path we had started few months ago with the Ministry for Production Activities. 150 million Euros for critical areas of Campania in order to rehire workers gone out of the production cycle with immediate measures”.

It is a measure generated from the so called “Contratto Campania” and that’s a good practice Regione is displaying - Mr. Nappi said. “It is a process agreed and shared with social parties and institutions. A path started in 2012 and that quickly enough gives a practical example of how Campania can be a benchmark for policies that recover industrialization paths systematically”.

Critical Areas, Statements by Martusciello and Nappi