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EAV, Caldoro: “Historic Day. 1 Billion Plan for Citizens”

EAV, Caldoro: “Historic Day. 1 Billion Plan for Citizens”

During the signature of the memorandum of understanding with Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Maurizio Lupi for the economic recovery of EAV (Ente Automo Volturno) President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro stated: “The aim is to ensure the right to transport to citizens”.

Mr Caldoro added: “Concerning the recovery of the transport regional company that manages three railways in Campania and that had a 700 million € deficit, Minister Lupi has been very helpful, since he speeded up the schedule that was actually too long”.
Mr Lupi stated: “If we are able to fulfil the recovery of a company with a 700 million € deficit, not only Campania must be proud of it , but the whole country. This aim can be achieved only with reforms”.

EAV Memorandum, Statements by Stefano Caldoro and Maurizio Lupi