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Garanzia Giovani, Caldoro: “A transparent system for labour market”

Garanzia Giovani, Caldoro: “A transparent system for labour market”

The Campania youth from 15 to 29 years old have 650 million € at their disposal for the labour market supporting actions. Resources address those approximately 4000 people who do not work, study or attend a training or education programme.

The initiative has been presented this morning at the Sala Giunta of Palazzo Santa Lucia by President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, and Regional Minister of Labour, Severino Nappi.

Mr Caldoro pointed out: “We immediately want to set up a transparent organisation for the labour market. Many requests by companies are not even taken into consideration due to the lack of knowledge about possibilities. With this system we want to fill in those gaps”.

Mr Nappi stated: “With this Programme we aim at changing the labour market and setting up an IT crossing system between job supply and demand that cannot but establish a good model to enter more easily the labour market”.

From May 1, people can access the following website and join Programma Garanzia Giovani. Targeted actions for each person based on their own needs and individual background have been established.


Garanzia Giovani Campania Project Launched