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Giancarlo Siani, Caldoro: "Remembering Means Committing to Future"

Giancarlo Siani, Caldoro: "Remembering Means Committing to Future"

On the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the Giancarlo Siani’s assassination, the "Travelling in Mehari" project, sponsored by Regione Campania and the Municipality of Naples has started.

Governor of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro also participated in the event.

The day started with the honouring of the Rampe Siani with flowers. After the ceremony, the Mehari car, driven by important representatives from the world of culture, social anti-mafia associations and law re-started its travel along the streets of the City of Naples in the name of the press freedom and in remembrance of all the innocent victims of the crime to reach finally the offices of “Il Mattino” Daily Newspaper, Giancarlo’s newspaper.

When the car approached, the 10th edition of the Giancarlo Siani Award took place at Il Mattino. The Mehari will be there on display for four days, exactly in the rooms where the rotary printing presses were. From 24 to 26, three mornings will be dedicated to students who led by journalists and institutional representatives will debate about the job as journalists and the press freedom in the shadow of Siani’s Mehari.

From 27 September to 15 October the Mehari will be at the Palazzo delle Arti of Naples for several meetings concerning press freedom and crime innocent victims related issues. The PAN programme will be sent as soon as possible.

Travelling in Siani’s Mehari, Stefano Caldoro Interviewed