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Healthcare, Resources Released for August Salaries

Healthcare, Resources Released for August Salaries

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has met journalists to take stock of the situation following a meeting in the Prefettura after resources from the Asl (Local Health Authorities) had been frozen.

General Manager of Asl Napoli 1 Ernesto Esposito, General Manager of Asl Napoli 3 Maurizio D’Amora and General Manager of Asl Salerno Antonio Squillante have attended the meeting.

The meeting has taken place this morning at the Prefettura, attended by the managers of local health units, Governor Caldoro, the city prefects of Campania and the highest offices of Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza and Polizia, brought a first important result giving some fresh air and the opportunity to pay August salaries to Asl employees with a pending final solution. The resources had been frozen following a judgment of the Constitutional Court which stated as illegitimate the law providing that Asl asset cannot be seized. Banks interpreted this judgment in a restrictive way and consequently froze their resources.

President Caldoro said: "We got an agreement for August to ensure assistance and salaries. Banks agreed and we got arrangements settled for each Asl overcoming this problem for August. In September, we will do the same as we have no option, we will work these days to sort the problem out with a final solution”. 

Healthcare, Resources Released for August Salaries