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MeeTalents 2013, Youth and Institutions Together to Fight Brain Drain

MeeTalents 2013, Youth and Institutions Together to Fight Brain Drain

A chance for debate between young people who left Italy for job or education reasons and the institutions that have the task to give out policies to make them come back. This is the main topic of MeeTalents, an international conference that took place at the Palazzo dei Servizi of the Interporto Campano of Nola.

This first edition of Meetalents is not only a debate among concerned parties involved in the brain drain phenomenon; it is also a chance to draft concrete suggestions that may foster youth circulation and discourage the Italian expatriates.

Governor of Campania Stefano Caldoro and President of the Interporto of Nola Gianni Punzo participated in the debate.

MeeTalents 2013, Youth and Institutions Together to Fight Brain Drain