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Tajani in Naples, Caldoro: “Campania Back to its Pivotal role in Europe”

Tajani in Naples, Caldoro: “Campania Back to its Pivotal role in Europe”

Vice President of the European Commission Antonio Tajani visited Campania and said: “President Caldoro was so good at realising that the capitals are three: Naples, Rome and Brussels. Having a close relation with the European Commission means seizing the opportunities offered by Europe”.

Along with him, six hundred Italian, European and non-European businesses interested into trade exchanges. This is Mission for Growth, promoted and organized by the European Commission and Regione Campania. Two days to debate on new industrial investments and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the new planning of European funds.

President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, and Vice President Tajani, opened the proceedings of the conference “Europe 2020, Strategy of Growth” at the Mostra d’Oltremare, where they also debated about the revamp of industries in Southern Italy and Europe, from excellence sectors such as aviation, automotive and agro-industry.

Mr Caldoro emphasised: “We have to let businesses understand that they can invest here and if they invest and trust us, new jobs will be created. It’s a good sign of strength and reliability. Campania recovered its central role in Europe”. 

Mr Tajani underlined: “The six hundred businesses participating in these two-day event show that Campania attracts new possible investors. A good industrial policy can be developed here, too”.

Caldoro and Tajani at "Europe 2020, Strategy for Growth"