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Unauthorised Building, Caldoro: “Without legal certainty, positive outcomes are impossible”

Unauthorised Building, Caldoro: “Without legal certainty, positive outcomes are impossible”

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro attended the meeting “Unauthorised building and environmental protection. Legality principle and social emergency” held at the main offices of the Province of Naples and said: “Problem arose in 2003 when, only in Campania, building amnesty was forbidden to citizens. A heinous choice that led to complete lack of certainty”. 

The Governor added: “Without legal certainty, resulting situations cannot but be unclear. And a ground for illegality”.

President of the Anti-corruption Authority Raffaele Cantone, President of the Justice Committee of the Senate Francesco Nitto Palma, Secretary of the Justice Committee of the Senate Rosaria Capacchione, President of the Province of Naples Antonio Pentangelo attended the conference, too.

Mr Cantone highlighted: “Unauthorised building is part of the core business of organised crime. In fact, there is always a direct connection between areas with a high rate of organised crime and unauthorized building”.

Caldoro about Unauthorised Building and Environmental Protection