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Fisheries, Decommitment of EFF Funds Avoided

Fisheries, Decommitment of EFF Funds Avoided

Campania avoided automatic decommitment of EFF (European Fisheries Fund) funds.

An extraordinarily remarkable achievement for the sector that used investments, under European funds, to enhance competitiveness and promote sea resources.

Regional Minister for Agriculture Daniela Nugnes stated: “Regione Campania, due to the commitment of the Regional Administration for Agriculture, is among the first regions to achieve such a remarkable result; now, we have to focus on the upcoming planning; we are sure it will enable us to achieve more positive goals to modernise the fisheries sector, as occurred for EFF 2007/2013”.

She concluded: "We are almost sure that as for Rural Development Programme for the period 2007/2013, we will be able again to avoid the automatic decommitment, due to the hard work and resoluteness of this administration”.