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Wine, Campania Products of Excellence on Display at Vittoriano

Wine, Campania Products of Excellence on Display at Vittoriano

At the Caffetteria Italia of the Vittoriano in Rome, regional wine estates, supported by Consortia for protection, offered a local wine tasting with regional products matching in order to promote their productions among sector-related operators and specialist press.

The initiative, coordinated by the Regional Administration for Agriculture of Regione Campania takes place during the Exhibition “Towards 2015, the culture of wine in Italy”, promoted by the Ministry for Agricultural Policy.

Wines of Naples, Ischia, Capri, Lacryma Christi, Falerno del Massico, the most known wine in the ancient times, Taurasi, an Aglianico-based wine, Fiano di Avellino, Greco di Tufo, Falanghina del Sannio, just to name a few, will be tasted with a guide tour by expert Campania sommeliers. Moreover, guests will visit at the Ala Brasini rooms, “Towards 2015, the culture of wine in Italy”, the Exhibition route that shows the wine world through history, geography, literature, traditions, statistics and economic data.

During the event, Campania related about wine culture of its region, not only with guided tastings, but also supported by more historical, statistical and economic texts, distributed to the public. Moreover, in the exhibition rooms, a scaled winery was on display in accordance with the tradition of the Neapolitan crèche of the eighteenth century, built by the Ferrigno business in San Gregorio Armeno in Naples.

Regional wine production has been experiencing over the last decade a general reorganisation, especially as for modernisation of vineyards to achieve quality and grape production for recognised wines. Currently, Campania wines, with the production of 4 Dop/Docg, 15 Dop/Doc and several Igp is a considerably growing sector.

Regional Minister for Agriculture Daniela Nugnes stated: "The wine of Campania along with its thousand-year autochthonous vines and the quality provided by producers, can fully be a privileged ambassador for the competitive positioning of the Campania agricultural and food system in the global market”.