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University and Young Graduates, 50 Million Calls

University and Young Graduates, 50 Million Calls

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has presented today at the Sala Giunta the calls for the regional universities and young graduates for 50 million € under the ESF Operational Programme.

Vice President of Regione Campania responsible for University Guido Trombetti and the seven Deans of Campania Universities, Lida Viganoni for L’Orientale and coordinator of the Regional Conference of Deans, Massimo Marrelli for Federico II, Francesco Rossi for II Università di Napoli, Claudio Quintano for Parthenope, Lucio D’Alessandro for Suor Orsola Benincasa, Filippo De Rossi for Università del Sannio and Aurelio Tommasetti for Università di Salerno attended the meeting.

The first 3 calls, for an amount of 48 million, have been published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania. 2 additional million € will be included in a call next week.

Let’s have a look at the details:


30 million € for PhD Programmes to be divided among those Campania Universities which have started for the last three academic years at least one PhD Programme, considering the number of Master’s Degree or equivalent in the last three-year period and the allotment rate of the bonus quota among the Universities for the last Ordinary Fund (FFO). The training of the PhD, including possible study periods abroad or on-the-job training programmes at public or private businesses, aims at acquiring the required skills to carry out highly skilled research activities.


10 million € areforhealthcare specialisation scholarships.


These resources shall be used to fund scholarships divided among the regional Universities according to the number of specialisation programmes started in the last three-year period.  

A minimum of two scholarships are guaranteed to the three Campania Universities with the Faculty of Medicine.

8 million € are for research funding projects to be eligible for endorsement, prior to compliance with all the established criteria. Finally, 2 million € are, as vouchers, for young graduates who want to attend a second level master with a grant for the registration fees up to 20 thousand €. The application shall be submitted by people who: are not over 34 at the deadline of this call, are Campania residents, have a degree, have not already benefited from other post graduate master scholarships given by Regione Campania in the last three years, are not benefiting from other scholarships, whatever the supplier or the type, for the participation in the same programme.

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro pointed out: “We aim at young people, we must avoid brain drain. An outstanding reply, something unique in Italy” that was welcome by all the deans of the seven Campania Universities, who cooperated in the drafting of the measure, funded by the European Social Fund. He added: “It is not easy to put together all the Deans and obtain their positive judgments, because they have to be critical and protect their youth. We give a remarkable reply and talk about advanced education”. He added “This is cost-effectiveness that addresses the approximately 1200 young people who instead of looking somewhere else, will find here the chance and the resources to stay. This is one of the most important actions we carried out. And we arrange meetings with the press only for something we did. I see many press conferences made of words and commitments. We made a choice, instead: we do not announce, we do not promise but we arrange conferences when something has been actually made”. Vice President of the Regional Executive Board of Campania Guido Trombetti stated: “We have to invest in human capital and this is a high level measure. Due to economic difficulties and not to sadism, the Government reduced funds, whereas we allocate 50 million €. This is a cash input that strongly supports the sector”. He concluded: “The measure matches the policy carried out over the last years that aims at giving practical local opportunities”.