It’s a project coming from far away the one of the University Centre of San Giovanni a Teduccio, conceived by the Japanese architect Yoshimoto. The action concerns the construction of a new university compound in the area of the ex-Cirio, situated in the city of Naples in the quarter of San Giovanni a Teduccio, bought by the University of Naples Federico II at the bankruptcy tribunal.
The preliminary and final planning of the entire compound has been entrusted, after an international tender, to the R.T.P. Ishimoto Europe. The area is about 60.000 square meters.
These actions have been funded by the European funds of Regione Campania.
The modules about to be finished or under construction, forming a functional, autonomous unit, represent almost 50% of the available surface, and will be destined, starting from February 2014, to host highly specialised university labs (integrated in the Ce.S.M.A. – Advanced Measures Service Centre), in house laboratories of national and international firms that cooperate with the University Federico II, university spin offs and start ups.
For Massimo Marrelli, chancellor of the University Federico II of Naples, it is a 'cultural revolution'.
This is because, he explained after the signing of the agreement with Regione Campania and Cnr (National Research Council), ''it forces researchers to work beyond our small garden, and puts us in contact with researchers in other fields”.
According to Marrelli, ''a real integration between universities and research centres is finally realised, thanks to a decisive support of the institutions, in this case of Regione Campania”. European funds destined to research, training, youth, thanks to an “acceleration of expenditure” that the Federico II chancellor asks “not to consider taken for granted”.
This is such an important project that, by the end of 2015, it will see the reconversion of the ex-industrial area of San Giovanni a Teduccio, which ''in an approximate estimate, will bring from 400 to 500 researchers to the area, in addition to students”.
“Research, study, university, do not only educate – he added – but also represent the change of the surrounding socio-economic context”.
The President of the Cnr, Gino Nicolais, has underlined that “at last we do here what it has already been done in other parts of the world, with research critical masses, putting together university researchers and Cnr researchers”.
''Today knowledge must be transferred as soon as it is acquired – he said – It is necessary to work together, and this is the new campus model that will rise up here, but that, for example, is already functioning in the US”.
Guido Trombetti, vicepresident of the Regional Executive Board and Regional Minister of Research, talked about a “titanic effort”. We wanted to redevelop San Giovanni a Teduccio when everybody talked without acting – he declared – The university centre, the only fact among many words”.
For Edoardo Cosenza, Regional Minister of Public Works, to invest in the University Centre of San Giovanni a Teduccio ''means to finance the renaissance of Eastern Naples, and to integrate the Eastern area with the rest of the city”.