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In Italy, as well as in many European countries, our teenagers have less and less chance to experience the rural and real world, just few exercise regularly and too many spend most of their time watching the TV or on the Computer. The result is a combination of a sedentary lifestyle with just a virtual short term knowledge of the external world gained without using the 5 senses.

In this picture, Teaching Farms allow through practical activities and active pedagogy the two apparently far worlds of the big cities and rural areas to get closer.

A need emerged to provide consumers and above all schools with qualified and educationally competent Farm networks, also able to ensure high care and safety standards. For this reason, the Regional Register of Teaching Farms of Campania has been created with more than 210 companies that comply with the high standards envisaged by a membership disciplinary code: the Charter for Quality.

Workers of accredited Teaching Farms, in fact to meet the more and more demanding consumer requests, become high skilled educational tools since through a playful approach based on direct experience, make students discover our land value, the origin of our best food and agricultural products, the pivotal and elaborate system of rural areas and the multi-tasking agricultural world.

This is how the targets of this initiative, namely students, teachers and families, are active characters of the teaching action: learning by doing”

Please visit the section of teaching farms from the portal of the regional Administration for Agriculture click here