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Events in Campania, Nine Months of Arts, Music, Cinema and Theatre

Events in Campania, Nine Months of Arts, Music, Cinema and Theatre

Nine Months of arts, music, cinema, theatre and tradition. Regione Campania focuses on tourism and culture through actions financed by the Regional Administration for Tourism and Cultural Heritage, that gave to the programme resources under the European Fund for Regional Development for the period 2007-2013.

The whole programme has a financial appropriation of 8 million € both for the first part from September 2013 to May 2014, and for the second part from June 2014 to January 2015.

The beneficiaries of the funding are the Municipalities and Superintendence of Campania.

Concerning the first part, namely until May 2014, 15 projects have been selected and financed, divided into events and restoration and promotion activities concerning the regional cultural assets. For Naples and its province, there will be 6 funded projects, such as “Napoli risuona dentro e fuori al castello” (Naples rings in and out of the castle), with a 300 thousand € allocation that will be used to restore the bridge of the Maschio Angioino Castle and for figurative arts exhibitions.

The same amount has been decided for the project called “Valorizza il Museo” (Promote the Museum) in the Municipality of Acerra for the restoration of the Baron’s Castle and cultural exhibitions about the local traditional character of Pulcinella; “Convivio Mediterraneo. Rassegna sulla cultura Gastronomica della dieta mediterranea” (about the Mediterranean Diet) in the Municipality of Massalubrense.

For Caserta and its province there will be three projects, such as “Il Filo Ritrovato” (The Old Wire, Found Again). Two for Avellino and its province, and 4 for Salerno.

Regional Minister for Tourism of Campania Pasquale Sommese said: “We know very well we are the leading region concerning the beauties of our landscapes and territories. We need to create networks and promote what we have, strengthening marketing, communication and hospitality actions”.