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Safety, Circum Worker Assaulted. Regional Minister Expressed his Solidarity

Safety, Circum Worker Assaulted. Regional Minister Expressed his Solidarity

A Circumvesuviana employee has been assaulted while inspecting tickets. It happened at the Porta Nolana Station in Naples and it’s not the first time. The safety of workers and travellers is again a top priority. As well as vandalism, that is damaging the transport companies remarkably. Regional Minister Vetrella emphasized: “I urged more than once that police support our ticket inspectors, since they have no legal power, in case of need”.

This occurs within the context of a lack of resources, that makes urgent fighting fare evasion, still widely spread in Campania. This is why a taskforce of inspectors of this Regional Administration has been established and the control services at the stations and on trains have been strengthened. Mr. Vetrella added: “In a difficult period for both the company and the whole Eav Group, we committed to making an unprecedented effort to restore the budget to balance and bring the transport services to efficient and quality levels”.

But assaults of workers are another issue to cope with and the Regional Minister expressed his solidarity: “I want to express my solidarity with the assaulted worker and his family; I wish this never happens again”.