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Local Public Transport Reform

The Regional Council of Campania, during its meeting on 13 March 2002, approved the law to reform local public transport. The Regional Executive Board had decided the relevant bill on 20 April 2001. The text had been later amended and approved by the relevant Council Committees before being debated and finally approved.

132 companies, more than 16 thousand workers, millions of passengers. A remarkable law that concerns all modes of public transport (land, aviation and ship), 132 companies of which 9 are public, 16 thousand and 500 workers and millions of citizens who are the target users of these services. In Campania, this is a sector whose value is approximately 2,000 billion Italian £.

Overcoming a gap. A remarkable and desired reform that allowed to overcome a situation, inherited from the past, in which Campania was the only region, among ordinary statute regions, to not implement the legislative decree no. 422 of 1997 that reformed the national laws concerning local public transport.

The transfer of functions to Provinces and Municipalities. This law implements an extended transfer of functions from Regione to Provinces and Municipalities about management and planning of transport services. This set of responsibilities for the transport sector allows Regione to perform guidance, planning and supervision functions. This represents a clear example of federalism and subsidiarity implemented in the transport sector, too.

The underlying aims. By approving this law, a remarkable step forward in the institutional reorganization and in the Campania transport service planning has been made. This is an important momentum for the enhancement of quality and quantity of transport, for the strengthening of transport of goods and passengers, as well as for cost and environmental pollution reduction.