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  • PIU Europa, from Regione Campania 100 Additional Million to 19 Municipalities

    President of the Regional Executive Board, Stefano Caldoro, has signed this afternoon a document of intent with the Mayors of 19 medium-sized cities of Campania for the use of 100 additional million € for the implementation of the PIU Europa programme. Here follows the list of the Municipalities...

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  • Caldoro Cut Ribbon of Urban Archaeological Park in Nola

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  • Morra De Sanctis, Caldoro Visited Altergon Plant

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has visited this afternoon the Altergon pharmaceutical company plant located in Morra De Sanctis in the province of Avellino. On this occasion, the President spoke about the importance of inner areas and the excellence of local production activities. Mr...

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  • Renzi in Naples, Video Message of President Caldoro

    President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, addressed a video message to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who is currently in Naples. The governor focused on three issues, namely healthcare, European funds and reforms.

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  • Hippocratic Oath, Caldoro: “Let's work together to restart turnover”.

    President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, delivered a speech for the ceremony of the Hippocratic Oath to be taken by the medicine and dentistry newly graduates of Naples and its province.

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  • New Labs Opened at IZSM in Portici


    Official Presentation of Universal Forum of Cultures


    Caldoro Participated in Meeting of Italian Provinces of the South


    Presentation of "Salva Imprese" Decree


    Accordo Quadro fra Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) e Regione Campania


    Campania Buffalo Mozzarella Traceability, New Methods of Analysis


    Caldoro in Pietrelcina to Debate About Funds to Small Municipalities


    Campania Healthcare, Deficit Reduced to Zero


    Ischia 2013 Award


    Il Presidente De Luca in Consiglio regionale sulle indagini della magistratura
