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  • "Sing, play and walk", a Training Project for Youth

    In the Donnaregina Vecchia Church, located in Largo Donnaregina in Naples, the press conference to present "Sing, play and walk. Music in sacred places" project took place. The Programme has been set up by an agreement between the Diocese and Regione Campania within the context of the special 2011 Naples...

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  • Valle Caudina, Stefano Caldoro Met Local Administrators

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro participated in a meeting with the Mayors of the Valle Caudina area last Saturday afternoon. Before the debate, held at the Municipal Hall Council Room in Montesarchio, in the Province of Benevento, the Governor visited the National Museum of Sannio Caudino...

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  • Press Conference about ex Circum Trains held by Caldoro and Vetrella

    President of Regione, Stefano Caldoro, and Regional Minister for Transport Sergio Vetrella present the upgrading programme for the regional railway vehicles

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  • PIU Europa Aversa, Caldoro: “Projects for 23 Million and Work Sites already Active”

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  • Regione Campania Ranks among the First as for Environmental Energies

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, has participated in the Conference “Energy efficiency for a new growth. Challenges for accessible, safe and sustainable energy” promoted by Regione Campania and Enel, and held at the Sala Ischia of the Mostra d’Oltremare Centre in Naples.

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  • New Labs Opened at IZSM in Portici


    Official Presentation of Universal Forum of Cultures


    Caldoro Participated in Meeting of Italian Provinces of the South


    Presentation of "Salva Imprese" Decree


    Accordo Quadro fra Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) e Regione Campania


    Campania Buffalo Mozzarella Traceability, New Methods of Analysis


    Caldoro in Pietrelcina to Debate About Funds to Small Municipalities


    Campania Healthcare, Deficit Reduced to Zero


    Ischia 2013 Award


    Il Presidente De Luca in Consiglio regionale sulle indagini della magistratura
