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  • Remote Sensing, First Data

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  • The Decree on “Land of Fires” Become Law. Caldoro: "Campania Won"

    The Decree on “Land of Fires” has become law, following today’s Senate approval of the text already taken on by the Chamber.

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  • Land of Fires: the Regional Law is Operational

    By 8 March, Municipalities shall select and verify through an ad-hoc register any public and private areas concerned with waste abandonment and burning over the last five years, using previous surveys and checks and citizens’ reports.

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  • Remediation, 81 Million from Regione to Former Municipal Landfills

    The 61 concerned landfills join the 49 for which Regione had already planned measures for additional 61 million €. Municipalities and Provinces will be the implementing parties.

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  • List of Campania Plants Authorised to Collect and Dispose Waste with Asbestos, Including Eternit

    It is possible to examine the full list of plants.

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  • Resources Allocated for Remediation

    Resources allocated by Regione Campania for remediation activities

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