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  • Call to Fight Waste Burning

    52 submissions from single or associated Municipalities. 

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  • Law to Prevent and Fight Waste Burning

    The Municipalities shall detect and prove the public and private areas concerned with the abandonment and burning of waste over the last five years, within ninety days from the entry into force of the law. This law is the outcome of a shared work…

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  • Regional Remediation Plan

    Regione drafted the Regional RemediationPlan, approved by the Regional Council on 25 October.

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  • 30 Millions to Municipalities to Fight Waste Abandonment

    The Plan to reduce waste at the source includes some specific actions, in accordance with the type of material to promote re-use or ex-ante reduction of its production.

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  • Agreement for the Land of Fires

    The Government and Regione Campania, the Provinces of Naples and Caserta, the Municipalities of Naples and Caserta, several Mayors from the two Provinces, Anci, Anas, Arpa, Asl of Naples and Caserta, environmental associations signed the agreement.

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  • Aerial Surveys to Chase Environmental Crimes

    The agreement between Regione Campania and the Corps of Harbour Masters concerning aerial remote sensing to detect environmental irregularities and criticalities of surface water has been signed.

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